
Employer:  Are You Ready for BeneScope?

Employee Do you hear about insurance issues from your employees, your HR Department and your Finance Department almost every day?  You go home and your own spouse has a frustrating story about trying to resolve a claims issue with the carrier, only to be told to " just call your doctor and work it out with him."   Find out how BeneScope, Inc. can come to your rescue! 

Workspan Discusses "How Health Care Claims Advocacy Can Improve Productivity"

"Offering access to a  health-care claims advocacy service is a relatively small investment that can pay off significantly in terms of keeping employees engaged and adding further perceived value to their total rewards package."  They note in their article:" How Health Care Claims Advocacy Can Improve Productivity", that "resolving health claims can be a daunting and time-consuming process for employees, as they struggle to advocate for themselves with their health insurers and providers.  So, too, for the HR departments whose limited resources make such advocacy on behalf of their employees equally difficult."  Read More